1404-B Paris. Ave. (second floor) Port Royal, SC 29935


Is there ever a time in your life where BALANCE isn’t relevant? Whether you’re a young student trying to fit sports, friends and

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Mama Bear’s 2024 Forecast

Greetings Beloved Fellow Travelers! Every year I give a “forecast” of the year ahead, and sometimes a little bit further. And normally I

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Medicine Wheel Ceremony for every Solstice and Equinox

On my journey to where I stand today, my first Shamanic teacher was Shelly Gillum (author of Coyote Medicine), now known as Lone

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Mama Bear's Blog

A Generous Heart

A Generous heart is what our world needs from us right now. More now than ever, humanity could use some kind words…and a

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Mama Bear's Blog

Angels Among Us

As we usher in November, I was thinking about the Holy Days just ahead. We are about to enter the most sacred time

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Mama Bear's Blog

Shamanism, what is it?

As I finished up my first class on Shamanism in ten years, I realized how many questions there are about who we are

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Which label did someone pin on you?

Labels can be handy. Without them we would be guessing which cans contain the chicken soup, right? Labels organize our lives. We love

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Mama Bear's Blog

What you give is what you get

Do you live a happy life? Do you look forward to the mystery of what each day will hold? If so, there is

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Nothing to do in an August garden? Think again!

I ran across one of my old gardening articles and thought it was timely. By this time of the season, the vegetable garden

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Mama Bear's Blog

Creativity…can you teach it?

I have been teaching art classes off and on since I got out of college, in 1984. Soon after I graduated, Leeward’s (similar

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