1404-B Paris. Ave. (second floor) Port Royal, SC 29935

Medicine Wheel Ceremony for every Solstice and Equinox

On my journey to where I stand today, my first Shamanic teacher was Shelly Gillum (author of Coyote Medicine), now known as Lone Dove. Tucson, Arizona was her home base, but she was well traveled and educated deeply in Indigenous Cultures around the world. She shared this beautiful little ceremony with me. The Totems and color of each direction varies from tribe to tribe, so use what is familiar…or feels right.

We have seven days before and seven days after to work in the energy of a Solstice or an Equinox. So, performing it for yourself or with others can be loosely scheduled. Including the directions and conclusion, plan for one hour. The actual ceremony only takes a few minutes.

For this ceremony, you will need:

A list of three things you would like to attract, and three things you would like to eliminate from your life over the next three months. This ceremony is meant to be practiced quarterly, to celebrate; The Winter Solstice, Dec. 21…The Spring Equinox, March 21…The Summer Solstice, June 21 and Fall Equinox, Sept. 21. This creates a manageable time period to order your life and to manifest your desires.

You will also need:

A feather for the East, a candle for the South, a bowl (for water) in the West and a stone or crystal for the North. Please note: If you do not have the physical items you need, you may imagine a feather, candle, bowl or stone in your hands. 

Open your ceremony by calling in the directions.

Stand and face the East. 

Spirit keepers of the East, we invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. We thank the Yellow people of the East for being the keepers of the element of Air. We are so grateful to the wind spirits we know as the Sylphs, for the help they offer to clean our skies. We thank you for the winds of change that are blowing across the planet…we gratefully receive your love and light. To the great Eagle of the East we thank you for Clear Vision, New Beginnings and teaching us to put our Childish things away. Thank you for hearing our prayers…All my relations…Aho!

Face the South.

Spirit keepers of the South, we invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. We thank the Red people of the South for being the keepers of the Fire. The fire of passion that burns within us all, to create much good in the world. To our Totem of the South, we thank the Coyote/Hioka/Trickster…Thank you for teaching us the lesson of identifying Imposters. Thank you also for the gifts of action and creation, for laughter and most of all…for teaching us not to take ourselves so seriously. Thanks for hearing our prayers…All my relations…Aho!

Face the West.

Spirit keepers of the West, we invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. We’d like to thank the Black people for being the keepers of the Water. The element of emotion, and flow. We thank the water in our body, as well as the land for teaching us the importance of staying in the flow…and moving with grace and ease. To the Totem of the West, we bow to the great Bear for its strength and courage. And are most grateful for the lesson of hibernation. Our time in solitude is medicine for our Spirit. Thank you for hearing our prayers…All my relations…Aho!

Face the North.

Spirit keepers of the North, we invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. Thank you to the White people who are the keepers of the Earth, and to White Buffalo, who teaches us the valuable lessons of Wisdom and Discernment. The North is also home to our Ancestor. You can call upon them here. Thank you for hearing our prayers. All my relations…Aho!

Face the Sky.

Grandfather Sky, We invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. You are the grand overseer of all things. Thank you for showing us that our borders and fences are illusions and that Judgement is necessary. From your perspective, we can see that we are all one people. Thank you for hearing our prayers. All my relations…Aho!

Touch the Earth.

Mother Gaia, we invite and invoke you into my/our ceremony. Thank you for feeding and providing for all of us…the two legged and the four, the ones who swim and those who crawl…you provide for all of us who fly, and slither. The standing people and the stone people…all owe you our thanks. On behalf of humanity, may I offer amends for our thoughtless and careless management of our natural resources. And we thank you for your patience as we become better stewards. Thank you for reminding us to walk softly upon you and to speak kindly with our words. We love you so much. Thank you for hearing our prayers…All my relations…Aho!

Touch you Heart.

To the Source of all Life/Creator/God, we invite you and invoke you into my/our ceremony. As within, so without…as above, so below. We thank you for showing us the many ways we are connected to each other…may we see clearly the golden thread that connects every part of Creation. And thank you for hearing our prayers. All my relations…Aho!

Place your items in a circle like a clock. At 3 o’clock place your feather, 6 o’clock your candle, 9 o’clock is for your bowl of water, and at 12, place your crystal.

To begin, pick up your feather and thank the Spirit keepers of the East, for hearing your petition. Read both lists and then thank them for hearing your prayer. Next pick up your candle and address the South…repeating for each of the FOUR directions. When you have finished, thank your Guides, Angels, Ancestors, and the Source of all Life. 

To close, wait for everyone to finish, then blow out your candle. Pour your water on the Earth, and just thank all the elements for remaining with you as you go your separate ways. Since you will repeat this ceremony every three months, you’ll be able to track your manifesting progress. You can keep you lists if you like for this purpose. Or you can burn them, if that feels better.

It’s your practice. Be creative. Do what feels right.

I hope to share ceremony with you soon.


Great Bear Medicine Woman

a.k.a. Mama Bear


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